Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Major Dominant Seventh and the Blueberry Gang

Michelle is currently playing the guitar and has been for the past hour (feels like longer). Her current song is "A Major Dominant Seven" because that's the chord she's working on. So that's the only words to the song. Go on. Try it. Sing that same line over and over, like this..."Aaaaa Maaaajor Dominant Seveeeennnth." Do it with attitude. The great thing about the song is, it's not annoying at all. Not one bit. I could listen to it all day and still love it. You know why? Because it's not annoying at all. Love it.

On the bright side though, she is learning. And eventually the song will change. Perhaps to "Eeeeee miiiiiinorrrrrr." Which, coincidentally, is not annoying either.

So today is Monday, the best day of the week (right after Sunday afternoon). I'm really not looking forward to this week of work but, like everyone else in the world, you've got to do it. Kaelyn has continued her progress out of the fever zone. Her sleep schedule is still messed, so she's not entirely herself. That's okay though. As you can see from the pictures, she's getting a little better. She still looks a little white, but we love her all the same.

So today was marked by a lack of groceries and a great episode of Backyardigans (more on that later). No milk, no dish stuff, no clothes stuff, no cereal. And no eggs. So I took it upon myself today to go out and get groceries. I know what you're thinking..."what an amazing husband!"

And you'd be right. I am an amazing husband. With a capital A.

As you may be able to tell, the sarcasm runs thick around here. But back to more important matters, if you haven't seen Backyardigans, that's a good quality show for the little ones. Today was on becoming a secret spy agent. So while Kaelyn was playing (normally she has been watching, but today's episode didn't catch her attention), Michelle and I were glued to the TV. That was one great quality cartoon. I learned a lot from the Moose guy - I think his name is Tyrone.

I wouldn't normally mention supper in a blog, but this time was different. I sat down to dessert, which was an excellent year of blueberry pie (2006) picked out by me (refer to the amazing husband section), and found that I didn't eat one bite. That's because I was raided by the blueberry gang, who happened to be sitting on my knee eating all my blueberry pie. It's a good thing she's cute because I'm not too good at sharing.

Oh yes, and for you gamers out there, I did skunk Michelle today in cribbage. Pretty dreadful, it was. I got a 24 hand, which I was more than happy for. Current series - Shaun (5 games won), Michelle (3 games won). That's our current game, although if we had some more Settlers fans out there, I think we'd get back to playing.

So that's about it for us today. Michelle and Kaelyn went back to the hospital, but nothing was really available from them. Then in Michelle's words, "We did a whole lot of nothing." I'm supposed to be working on one of my last assignments for class, but as you can tell, that hasn't started yet. Oh well. That's for another day, I guess. And that's it for us. I'll leave you with a few more pictures from today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


We're glad Zoe finally made it into a picture. We haven't seen her since the good old days in Ingerhole. Keep up with the guitar, Michelle. We're glad to hear that it doesn't annoy you Shaun!

Now, what we're looking for is a picture of Michelle riding Zoe, holding on to Kaelyn while playing the guitar!

9:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cute that blanket is when Kaelyn is carrying it! Ha! Ha! Great Grandma is on the mend. Love to all.

3:59 PM


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