Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here's one to you, Bri & Erin!

A couple of years ago I met this fantastic individual named Brian and we became pretty fast friends. I'm not sure if it was because he mooned me (and I was about to get him) or if it was just because he was an easy target at Settlers. Perhaps it was neither. At any rate, this guy and I lived for a few months on opposite sides of a little town called Ingersoll a few years back and now he's in Morocco loving the beaches together with his wife Erin (who, by the way, is also a close dear friend to both of us, but she's actually good at Settlers). These two are an absolute gift to us. So these two punks are off on an African Adventure (or A frickin' lion safari, if you're familiar with the one outside Rockton, Ontario).
So anyways, to the point. Today I took the time to have a coffee and think of my very close friends who are loving life, pursuing God, and having a ton of fun in the process. It kind of made today a real reflection point where I've looked back at "Auntie Erin & Uncle Bri", who have had a massive impact on our lives. A huge gift. Thank you two for your friendship. We are both praying that God shows you more of Him through your 4-month African tour and that you'll come home safe (and then come visit for a month or two and we'll show you the Rockies). [An edit note: I've read this four times now, and I just can't say enough about these two. We love them, I guess that's the best words can do.] So here's to you two adventurers - a very good Starbucks coffee that I just finished tonight in thinking of you (check the top of the page - that's real coffee drinking action).

On another note, today is the first part of my favorite part of the week. Sunday/Monday day off! Kaelyn's about to bust out another tooth, and had a pretty fun day chillin' at the church. I've just realized how much I love putting her pictures on blogs, as you may be able to tell by now. Tomorrow we're going to be chillin' like villains and maybe get out of Hinton and go see some mountains. I guess we'll find out...stay tuned tomorrow! And now, "Baby in Laundry Basket."

Kaelyn's safe hiding place (above) and striking an inspirational laundry pose (below).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Shaun,

Nice 'hoodie'! Have a great day, with your crusin' daughter and cute wife.

8:17 AM


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