Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Another Day, Another Writing

I think the title says it all today. I'm currently enrolled in a professional writing degree while working full-time. Every day it seems I have some other project to write about. Today I have a mid-term exam, next week am speaking at Watermark (our student ministry at the church), next Friday I'm speaking at Thirst (our new city-wide worship time), and it goes on. But I am enjoying it, and thankfully, I can type fast.

So I just emailed everyone and let them know about this new place, so now I am feeling the pressure to put more content on. Either that, or I'm just procrastinating before my mid-term in an hour. But I just wanted to let everyone know where we're at as a family.

Michelle has taken on the role of stay-at-home mom. She's the glue that binds our family together. In December, she's starting as a tutor, and hopefully one of these days I can convince her to start teaching piano. Don't cross your fingers on that one.

Kaelyn has started walking as of October 28. We put the phone (which she likes to play with all the time...uh oh) on the other side of the room and she got up and started walking. For the next 40 minutes of that night, she cruised around the room like she was an old pro. Maybe it's all that practice from grabbing everyone else's hands and dragging them around the countryside. She's talking too, lots of words by now, but she always has been a big talker. And my favorite thing is when she looks out the window for her dad - kind of makes you feel like you're a hero every time you walk in the door.

As for me, I'm working in a very healthy and welcoming church. Those words still boggle my mind as I think about putting them together. But it is a good place to be. I'm very comfortable in my own skin there and I can be myself - rough edges and all. It is very nice to be in a culture that welcomes diversity and change. And, even in the midst of me never feeling like I quite fit into church culture, they love me and allow me to be me. So life is good in terms of the whole job thing. As for the rest of life, Michelle and I are feeling like we've just been welcomed over this past year into Hinton. It's really cool this way, and we just love the community, even if it too has the rough edges of being an oil town. To be honest, I almost enjoy that rough honesty a little.

God's been pretty amazing to us as a family. He's looked out for us, He's given us an amazing community to be a part of (even after the honeymoon of meeting people for the first time) and just allowed us to grow and be who He's made us to be. I can't believe how good that is to find.

So that's it for us at this point. In the madness that is our lives, I'm going to attempt to put some pictures on that link and on the website we've bought, but for now, this will have to do. We do miss many of the people who have impacted our lives, and we'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line!


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