Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Squishy Faces and Greedy Grandparents

Hanging at Uncle Doug's & Auntie Meg's this summer!

I saw this next picture on NASA's website and immediately thought of my dad. He would take us out into the middle of nowhere - the less light the better - and we'd sit and stare at the sky until either the cold got to us, or we all started to fall asleep. "There's one." "Oh, there goes one." "Woah, that one was bright." Comments of that sort were common as you breathed in the cool night air and listened to the world at night. Those were some pretty amazing times.

I was actually talking with one of the teachers at our school on the bus ride back from a game a couple days ago. We talked about typical teacher stuff - vacation, students, the need for teacher's to have a place to escape to or they'll go crazy (if they aren't already) - and the conversation turned to a place where this particular teacher from Hinton goes to escape in the summer. Cool thing was, it was on Makwa Lake, which is two minutes from our own cabin. So that was kind of a nice break from reality and just a cool time to hear about someone else really loving it out there. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, it's our cabin and you should come visit. All this talk of "God's country" being in Alberta - it may be that, but if God wanted a vacation, He'd bail on Alberta and come to our cabin. It's a pretty amazing place with a lot of great memories.

The two little ones out at the cabin
So, you may ask, why two blogs in one day? Well, that's a good question for which I don't have a good answer. Perhaps it's the frustration of not accomplishing much on my essay today (sitting in front of the computer for over 3 hours and one paragraph to show for it...we should get marks just for that). I also don't take pictures every day, so I'm going to start using some of the pictures I've taken over the last while and never shown. I think that's what pictures are for.

Today was pretty uneventful. My volleyball boys played the worst game of their season, but that's good. We needed to get that game out of our system. Michelle, Kaelyn, Zoe and I all bummed around for the majority of the day - and Michelle and I again watched our weekly Prison Break. If you're not into it yet, or you haven't watched it, boy, you've missed out. Well, you probably haven't, but we like the show.

Tomorrow I'm gone most of the day out in Edson with my team. Last day, last time commitment. Can you sense the relief? I'm hoping it won't be too long of a day so I can come home. We're up at 7:00AM and meeting at Tim Horton's and then we're off to the "wonderful" little town of Edson. Hopefully a different team will show up or it'll be a looong day.

Kaelyn had a pretty good day today. She was all smiles, and she's got a pretty good sense of humor. She walked up to Michelle and I at supper with her see through tray pressed against her face. Hey, I thought it was pretty funny. So either my child has a good sense of humor, or I have the sense of humor of a one-year old. She's also got this really cute smile that's full of seven teeth, that just looks so cute. And she's got this mad look too, but she only does it because her parents think it's funny.

So that's all from the world of the Smiths for this night. We're not an exciting bunch all the time, but we sure feel blessed.

And yes, here's one last picture (from today) for the grandparents out there. You guys are always wanting more pictures.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics, wonderful story of your day. It is so good to be able to keep up with you from day to day.
Speaking of the cabin - great memories! Dad chuckled when he thought of the cool nights with Grandma's chair (you have it in your downstairs) in the back of the truck looking for falling "stars" in the field across from our house. Love to all.

3:26 PM

Blogger Brian and Erin said...

Dude, you're so good at posting on this site. I love the everyday stuff. Thanks for following ours!

8:40 AM


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