Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

You can't catch me!

"Now you see me..."
Don't be fooled. Our lives really aren't that exciting that we need to blog every day because something extraordinary has happened. Well, at least not earth-shattering. Extraordinary maybe. Today (Monday), we all got bored at about the same time. It was kind of a neat thing, because of the pace of our lives. We just sat and were bored and we didn't do a thing about it. That hasn't happened in a while.
So this blog thing has turned into a great thing. We've had emails and comments from friends and family all over - Ottawa, London, Morroco (at the moment anyway), Edmonton, Meadow Lake, Esquimalt, Idaho - from people we haven't heard from for a while. And what a great gift! Thanks for the comments too - they're certainly an encouragement to keep writing and posting pictures. So for those of you who haven't yet had the chance to check in, we'd love to hear from you. This week has really felt like a time when we realized friends we've left all over the place. And perhaps how bad we are at using the phone. And email. Or maybe we're all just so busy, so this is the way it works. But thanks to everyone who's taken the time to read this. We're very grateful.
So today, for this post, I was going to put on the video of the first few steps of Kaelyn, but I have to find out how to do it. So we'll wait for that yet (and if you know how, put it in the comments). So we've got a few centimeters of snow kicking around here. Nothing much else in the way of weather. Kaelyn's been into her new books pretty heavy - she'll just pick up a book, sit in the middle of the floor and point out all the birdies, balls, doggies, kitties, 'nanas and apples. She also carts her blanket around wherever she goes (thanks Grandma & Grampa Smith). She also helps me make coffee in the morning - got her trained early.
So we've got our weekly ritual coming up in the next hour - Prison Break. Can't miss a quality show like that. So I should get to my homework and stop procrastinating [this post was originally published on Sunday, but because of snow storms, this was down and I had to retype the whole thing].
"...now you don't!"


Blogger The Benners said...

Try dropshots.com for the video ~ you load it on your computer, drag it into the dropshots box, click on the blog it thing, and then copy it in the html part of the blog post. If that makes sense...
Keep up with the blog ~ love it!

1:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Grandma D. says...
Love those pics. Keep them coming. Great to hear about what you are doing. Love you all. GG

2:15 PM


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