Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Kisses for the Sock Puppet, Random Snowboarding and Avoiding the Plague

As I'm sitting here, there's a sock puppet on the loose who likes to bite little noses. The sock puppet and Kaelyn are making so much noise, I thought it might be a better idea to work on this blog, as opposed to working on my 1000 word essay which is due this Friday (which I'm avoiding like the plague at this point).

So my first snowboarding session of the year has come and gone. Yesterday, I was sitting in church and a friend, Luke Blackman, asked me if I wanted to go to Marmot Basin in Jasper right after church. So we were the first to leave church (at a run) and we snowboarded for a solid two-and-a-half hours before the lifts closed. I think that's probably the best way to end church. We were the last off the hill too, because we stayed on the side of a very large hill for a long time just resting. We had a funny moment on the hill too, where I came off a small dip and landed in about 3 feet of powder and I tipped the nose of my board in as I tried to glide over the top. Unfortunately, the powder was heavy and I ended up flipping and landing in a very soft pile of snow. Good times.

So today I'm looking out at a lot of deadlines. I've got my massive paper due this Friday, a potential sermon on Sunday, and a whole lot in-between. If we're difficult to reach this week via phone, that's probably the reason.

Kaelyn is at this moment carrying around her Winnie ball and her soft basketball. She's trying to put the basketball in the hoop (which is a large pair of headphones on the floor) and she's testing out her throwing arm by throwing it around the basement. She's also pretty good at climbing onto the futon, although she's too busy to actually use her arms to climb up. Instead, she runs at the couch with the two balls in hand and dives onto the couch. Not much stops this girl. Mommy's been throwing the Winnie ball at her belly, and Kaelyn just laughs. Yup, our little one is a machine.

So with that, I'll leave you for this morning. I've got one last Zones volleyball game today, and then our last tourney tomorrow. After that, the off-season begins.

And now, one last picture just because I know her great-Grandma is reading this blog and loves the pictures more than the words I write. I know her priorities :).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful little girl you have! Keep those pics and descriptions of your days coming. It is plus 5 here and the snow is melting. We are surprised there you have enough snow for snowboarding. We hope Michelle will be able to get out. Love to you all.

11:32 AM


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