Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Blackhawk Down...

Hi everyone. It's been a longish few days around here and no time to post. The wee one has been down since Monday with a harsh fever. She's been hovering around the 37-39 degree range, so she goes from being cuddly and sleepy in your arms to crying a bit and sucking her thumb. So it's been tough, especially on her. Right now she's sitting on my lap with her blankee and sucking her thumb. I think it's been pretty rough on her mommy too. And so this is where the Smith adventure is presently at.

I think this all started because we wanted to go get a family picture. A day before we went to get the picture, Kaelyn bumped her head on a table and got a black eye. Then, an hour before the picture, she had a small surface burn on her forehead from a curling iron (and no curled hair). So by the time we got her in for pictures, we were hoping Wal-mart employees wouldn't call child services on us. So now, here we are with a somewhat blackened eye, dark scabbed forehead, feverish little girl. And all that for a family photo.

Yesterday I got out with some of the guys for a day of fresh powder at Marmot. It was beautiful up there with lazy-man powder everywhere (the kind where you just glide through and get lazy and then a rock or small tree pops in and gets you). It was a pretty amazing day; we spent a lot of time cruising through the tree runs where the powder was 2 and 3 feet deep. It was like surfing or floating, you just droped your back foot and coasted. Pretty nice, although when I got home Michelle and Kaelyn had visited the hospital. So I was pretty happy to be home.

So that's it. I'll add some pictures later tonight when I have time. There's only one to speak of, and it's Kaelyn sleeping on me in her first day of sickies. Hope everyone is doing well!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all. Please keep us posted as to how everyone is doing. We don't want to call in case everyone is sleeping. Love to you all. MDGG

7:41 PM

Blogger Brian and Erin said...

hey I'll call family services on you if Walmart doesn't. You're a raging father!
First you beat your daughter and then run off snowboarding. I can learn a lot from you!

some guy

4:50 AM


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