Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Wiggledy Woggledy Woo...

So I know we were doing so well posting every day and sometimes twice a day. Well, then reality hit and this week has been a bit more pressure-filled. Monday (my day off) I had a last league game with my boys and we managed to play our worst game of the season. That's okay though, because then it's out of our system. Then Tuesday, I spent the whole day in Edson (45 minutes away) coaching our last tournament of the year, where I was more than proud of what our guys accomplished. Wednesday was a typical Wednesday, running to the max to try and get everything ready for Watermark nights. And then Thursday, I sat down and worked on my essay again, and got from 200 words at the beginning to 900 by the time I was done 30 minutes later. And that brings us up to this day, Friday.

My last essay of the semester came to a close about 25 minutes ago. That's 25 minutes early. That's what I call efficient. Or cutting it close. Whichever works for you.

Today was one of those average days when you just can't wait to get home. I sat in my office for most of the day today, recovering from my wounds of Gagaball, the latest game around these parts for our student ministry. Think of being crouched down for 4 hours straight while trying to hit a ball with your fist and not get too much rugburn. Now that's a sport.

So much of today was spent feeling the rugburns on my knuckles, and attempting to stay awake with various types of coffee (church coffee was spectactularly bad, Starbucks good, 7-11 surprisingly good). We managed to get something accomplished at work, but I'm really not sure what it was. Kaelyn and Michelle dropped in and helped me for a bit. Kaelyn has a good time at the church - lots of open spaces. She yells, "Baaaaaahh" a lot, and she can spot a ball just about anywhere. So she ran around and threw balls at stuff, and Michelle and I cleaned a storage room. To be honest, I would rather have hung around Kaelyn, because at least she was doing something fun. We later went to the mall, and while momma shopped, Kaelyn and I walked the mall and pointed at all the Christmas balls on the ceiling. She also tried to hold the hand of some 12 year old boy. Thankfully, he was too shy or else he would have been the first to feel my wrath.

It's pretty fun to have a little rugrat kicking around the house. Kaelyns is a pretty playful kid. She'll play by herself, walk around the house, and the want to play with mom or dad, which is great. I walked away from her a few times and she kept saying, "Daaadaaaaa! Daaaadaaa!" Which makes me feel like I'm a superhero. And when we were walking around the mall, just outside the music store, Kaelyn decided to dance for a bit. So that was a good time too. What a party animal.

Tomorrow we're heading to a Marriage Conference (Saturday only) for most of the day, and then we'll be back in the afternoon. It's in Jasper, so if I get bored, hopefully I can slip away. Hopefully it'll be good...we'll see! And now, another picture from today! I can hear the grandparents from here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you certainly have that right. We check every day to see what is shaking at your house. It is really cold here today -30 with the wind chill. We went to the Holly Berry Craft Fair as usual. Where are pics of you and Michelle and Zoe :) Talk about greedy hey. Love you.

12:29 PM


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