Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

This one's for you, Al.

I just went through my settings on this blog, and realized that I had saved a draft of a blog from a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if this is appropriate or not, but Kaelyn and I got to share in something very special.

Many of you have heard of Relay for Life. Well, it takes place here in Hinton right behind the church on the high school's track. Kaelyn and I were hanging out at the church, and we decided that we needed to go and do a few laps for a few of the people we know and care about who have had to endure cancer. And so that's what we did.

Kaelyn and I did two laps in a +25 hot sun (without hats too, but that's okay, because we didn't actually have one). While people and teams were setting up their tents around the track, there was one team on the track already: father and daughter. And we did two laps for two special people - one for my Grandpa Dimond, who passed away from a fight with cancer, and one for Al Forrester, who just recently passed away from the same fight. Al is a great friend to my parents, and from what I hear, a deeply missed fellow morning coffeer (yes, it can be a verb with some people). So Kaelyn and I walked around and said, "Here's to you, great Boppa." And "this one's for you, Al." I wanted to share that with you, and didn't realize that I hadn't yet.

So Al, this one is for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are making a copy of this to show Cathy. What a wonderful thought!

9:47 PM


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