Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Da Vinci of Fingerpaint!

Well well well. Who have we here? You haven't checked this site in a while, have you? Tsk tsk. Such a pity.

What's that?

You're saying you haven't checked in in a while because it never gets updated?

Man, the way people shift blame around these days...

So, we're here with this computer again, and it's great. You never really realize how much you miss your computer until it's gone. Now we're back up and running and for the first time in years, it doesn't sound like an asthmatic dog. Long live technology!

Over the last month, Michelle and I have taken a good 21 days to decide our future. We've been praying somewhat consistently, and we've now begun to discuss our future again. I'll let you know details as they become more available to us. At this point, Michelle has applied to school at the University of Alberta. She's really hoping to get in to the teacher's end of things, but we'll see! She's now babysitting one day a week but it's more to help out fellow poor families rather than propel our financial situation into one of riches and wealth. Or middle-class.

These last two weeks have been constant dentist visits for the both of us. I've had three appointments, and Michelle and 1.5. Apparently, when you don't visit the dentist for four years, they have some catching up to do. So I sit here tonight with straight teeth, and the many basketballs I've taken to the head are no longer evident in my "piano keys." Michelle keeps bragging to me that she still has yet to get a cavity. It's really not a fair position though, because at her height, tooth decay is unheard of because of the denser air pressure.

That's what the dentist told me...

Speaking of dentist, he actually gave me a sticker today. He said I was a very good patient, but that was mostly because I was telling jokes with his staff, who now know me by name. That's fine. I got good teeth. And a sticker.

Kaelyn is now in full parrot mode. Everything is copied, even the word "copycat". She'll tell you about her day, sing you song, yell your name louder and louder until you listen...she's very fun. Oh, and we have a new nephew on the Smith side - Rylan Matthew Smith! Congrats to Doug and Megan, who are now the future recipients of two little boys scheming! Wonderful!

So with that, I've said much, but I really want to get to posting some pictures. So I'll get to that, and wish you all a great day! Peace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well finally! I almost did not check your blog today because I was not expecting anything:) How great it is to see Munchkins.Love to you all.

8:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!

I found your blog when you posted a message on Chandra's! Your little girl is beautiful:)

Kelly Huffman

2:38 PM


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