Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

And now back to our regular scheduled programming...

Well, hello out there. What do you suppose you're doing around these parts where no posting has happened in quite some time? You must be bored...

That's okay! We're glad you stopped in to check in on us! As you can see, all the pictures are of Kaelyn. Part of the reasoning for that is just because she's cute, and because we really haven't had a camera these last few weeks. After days of searching for the camera battery charger, we found it in a side pocket of one of the bags we cart around. So we're back! And, to make up for lost time, I've added a few extra pictures from the last few days.

So, as much as we've been around in the last couple weeks, we also have been constantly busy. Michelle had her birthday (28 on Feb 28, wow! Older than quite a few hills but still just a bit younger than dirt!) but we have yet to sit down and celebrate around here, but we hope to before she's 29! We have had an unofficial celebration with Michelle's parents out at Jasper Park Lodge, but Kaelyn and I are still teaming up on this one.

Speaking of Kaelyn, she's now got an impressive command of words. She'll take you through a book and point to the elephants, the red ball, and she'll count things if there is more than one.

"Waaaah. Tooooo. Teeeeeee."

For some reason, she thought it was funny whenever we counted something, so she would laugh loudly (She's very much like her mommy that way with only one volume setting - loud!).

One noticeable change in Kaelyn lately has been her choice in dance partners. While mom and dad are still okay dancers, it is now her teddy bears that get most of the floor time (Thanks, GG! You saved our energy levels, and our pride). She'll dance with her bears, and then sit them beside the stereo so they can continue listening to the wonderful music of The Wiggles (stinking prancing ponies and dancing pirates!).

So with that, we were glad to see the spring start to show up around here with the melting snow. The ski season has been very good with tons of new snow in the mountains. The faster it melts around here though, the happier I am!

Oh! I almost forgot! A couple weeks back we made a mad dash for Lloydminister where we met up with family (pictures still on the way). We watched Tristy and Kaelyn hang out, then swam in the pool (sort of a get-ready for the summer season at the lake), stayed the night in a hotel and came back home. Grandma and Grandpa Smith bought Kaelyn a little mini-DVD player for the trip, and was it ever timely!

The next week at the Switchfoot concert on our way home, we made it until Spruce Grove when our tire blew on the highway. I barely made it off the highway, called CAA, only to find out that it would be 2.5 hours (even with a baby and dog in the car). I may have mentioned this in the blog before, but it's been so long, so bear with me. So we drove to Canadian Tire (because we couldn't get the jack out) where they got us on the road with a new tire in 45 minutes! Thanks Canadian Tire!

I hate to leave it like this, but we've got a somewhat busy few days coming up. I'm preaching using one of the many videos we have created, with a spliced in section from Kingdom of Heaven (great movie). It should be a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to it again.

Oh, I'm listening to Michelle on the phone, and she's talking about a moment from today. Kaelyn and Michelle were at Stockburger's house, and Kaelyn had crawled up on the couch. Apparently Kaelyn said, "How do I get down?" even though it sounded like, "Howooigedown?" Ah, that little girl. Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well. If you're checking this at your new house, Erin and Lea, we love you guys and hope you're enjoying it! For the rest of you, hope things are going well, and you enjoy the pictures!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you got our card michelle- happy belated birthday! good to hear about your going's on.... oh and i grew up with the exact same couch, so i love seeing the pics of kaelyn on the couch. i'll try to find one of me on the couch and email it to you guys. i grew up strongly disliking that couch, but now that i look at it, it's got a cool retro feel about it. a whole new appreciation. don't tell my mom i said that. miss ya guys, jenn

8:49 AM

Blogger Brian and Erin said...

hey superdudes! Glad to see the blog action is well, action again. We're home and doing great. Keep the photos coming!

5:08 AM


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