Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Girl After My Own Heart and the Day the Sun Stopped

Michelle and I are moving to Dominican Republic! We've had enough of this weird weather, so we've decided to put up the house for unrent, and we're packing our bags. We'll be leaving tomorrow.

The thing is, everyone in Western Canada is buried under 20 feet of snow. For us, it's cold here. But no snow. Not even a full centimeter. I should know. I measured. Meanwhile, everyone is talking about this crazy amount of snow and we get nothing.


In fact, I even called a cross country ski place and asked if they had any snow. I thought it was a serious question, and the lady laughed on the other end. They're 20 km away. How could that be funny?

Because they had snow. Lots of it.

So I grumble.

So Kaelyn is now speaking an absolute ton of words. Some phrases too. "Mommy's nose." "Daddy's eye." Michelle was teaching Kaelyn to say "I love you" and when she taught Kaelyn "I", the little scamp tried to poke out my eye. Actually, it was pretty cute and gave me hope that my little girl could one day be a ninja. Michelle said "I love you Kaelyn" (even before M tried to teach K), and Kaelyn repeated it, saying, "I uv yoo oo." Pretty cute, and it made Michelle cry. That's called a quality afternoon.

On another note, you'll notice my lovely daughter sitting in a chair with a N64 joystick in her hands. I believe that's called 'learning.' For the last days of family visiting during New Years, Auntie Erin, Uncle Lea, Michelle and I sat in front of the TV playing Mario Kart. Kaelyn now goes to her chair, sits down and says, "teee mo" (TV, more). And she grabs the gamepad. A girl after my own heart.

On a sad note, today the sun stopped for a brief period of time over Hinton. It stopped for about a half an hour. Because today, on a questionable note (see Dallas Stars Stanley Cup victory in '00 for similar comparison), the reign of victory has come to an end at 10 wins and 0 losses. Let me give you the background though, because I think it's important to keep in mind. In about the middle of Roughriders Cribbage, Michelle realized she was moving my pieces. After moving everything back to its "proper" place, she went on to victory. Now, I appeal to you as the jury - when in the history of professional sports has there ever been a game continued on account of a bad scorekeeper? Never. They would replay the match. And fire the scorekeeper.

But alas, when food is hard to come by, even squirrels will become aggressive, vicious even. So the game, as it was, was called in favor of Michelle. Apparently, things like fair play and justice are not important to teach the next generation.

Think of the children.

And so, with the sun stopped over Hinton, I conceded a loss and my current record is now 10 wins 1 loss.

Well, make that 11 wins now. I won later.

So with that, I'll leave you to your day. Hope your day was filled with things like justice and fairness for all, and that you, even when you have a dominant winning streak on the line, are able to humbly step aside and let others win. Even when it hurts.

Think of the children.


Blogger Brian and Erin said...

Hey dudes! We love reading about the family life. Great to here that you are dominating Michelle in the games area and she is ... what? never mind.

Thanks for following us in Africa. When we get back were looking forward to hearing that cute little girl talking!

12:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning folks. Be glad that you don't have much snow. I am about to go out the door and begin to shovel a 4 foot high drift out of our driveway. It is minus 48 with the wind chill so I am sure the shoveling will not last long. Great story that you tell, Shaun.
Love you forever.

6:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

11:50 AM


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