Ramblings and updates from the world of the Smiths.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Switching Foots and Past Blasting

Due to camera issues, these are pictures taken from last summer. As our issues get sorted out, I figure it's good to post pictures of something we're all looking forward to anyway - the summer.
We have had a massive week around here. First, I am the current Lord of Catan. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go look up Settlers of Catan. If you look at the game and think you won't like it, then it is very simple:

You have a bad attitude.

Now on to this past Thursday night. Michelle and I (Kaelyn and Zoe too) drove to Edmonton to go and take in Switchfoot at Red's in West Edmonton Mall (courtesy of Doug and Megan's Christmas present to us). We were pretty excited, just due to the fact that it'd be our first date in quite some time. We got there, and Copeland opened for Switch, which was pretty great because we like some of their stuff. But in comparison to Switchfoot, WOW! I would say without a doubt that that was the best concert I have ever attended. Michelle and I were right out front of the band, and it was incredible. Unfortunately, we have no recent pictures because of our lack of camera battery charging, but you'll have to take my word for it:

It was amazing.

The concert was a few hours long, and there were so many moments when you were just in awe that we didn't even notice we had stood through the whole thing. Sure, our backs were a little sore, but man, was it worth it! Their new CD, Oh Gravity!, is pretty incredible too. Give it a listen if you get the chance. Kind of a trad-Switch/surfy feel to it. Dig it. One great thing about the band: despite their big-name status, Switchfoot works pretty hard at staying humble. I really appreciate that about any large-name act. On that note too, Bri, I still have your autographed Switchfoot CD. I need to get it to you (or you can come visit).

So, on the way home from the concert the next day, we got a flat tire and I'm proud to say, not only was I not able to change the tire, I couldn't even get the jack out. So I did the next best thing. I drove to Canadian Tire. When in doubt, Canadian Tire it out. It turned out to be an adventure in itself, because we had Zoe, a tired Kaelyn, and Michelle and I out of our car for half an hour (we went to Tim Horton's) while the car got fixed. An hour later, we were back on the road for home!

So with that, I'll leave you to your night/day! Hurray! February is almost over! I'll do another post on a more energy-filled night!


Blogger dave & jenn said...

hey guys, remember back in ingersoll, when i almost had you convinced to see switchfoot in london FOR FREE!!!??? we bailed becasue it was a weeknight, and we had to get up for work. i am so sad we missed out on that opportunity, but really happy (a tad bit jealous) that you saw them now. i am waiting for them to come my way!!!!!!!!!!!

11:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
Those pics are soooo cute! Glad you had a good time at the concert. Will send copies of pics from our recent week-end. We have to go to Saskatoon on Friday for Grandma K's funeral, and will get some extra copies of pics for you.Love you forever.

3:52 PM

Blogger Brian and Erin said...

Well, we're heading back to the cold north!

Glad to hear the concert was so great. We're heading for the same one (with Copeland) in Buffalo, shortly after we come home.

We'll have to arrange to get that sweet disc back.

10:34 PM


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